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Community Psychology Assignment 4

Community Psychology Assignment 4

Q President Kennedy enacted a major change to our health care state by deinstitutionalizing those with mental illness. However, those with mental health care issues must navigate a complex system of care. There are a few effective models of integrated care (such as the ACT). “Design” a system, intervention, or preventative endeavor that meets the spirit of a community psychology system or program and better meets the needs of our citizens with mental health problems. Submit a paper on the designed health care system (or intervention or prevention endeavor). In the paper, address which principles of Community Psychology (refer back to Ch. 1) are incorporated into this program. More specifically, please address the following points in your paper: 1. Explain the current mental health system (2 points) 2. Design and describe a better system that will address the needs of those with mental health care concerns (make sure that I can understand what you are proposing by being specific) (4 points) 3. Describe which Principle(s) of Community Psychology (CP; from Ch. 1) are represented in your program or system, and specifically comment on how and why your program meets the spirit of a CP program (4 points)

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The mental health system in United States now is related to the basic attributes of the basics of Community Psychology. According to the Principles of Medicine of Mrazek and Haggerty’, the community psychology programs should be based on three types of motives. One program on community Psychology should be based on the universal program which aims to educate the public. On the other hand there are some programs which are directed towards people who are seen in a risk towards the different risk behaviours. Another type of programs is directed towards the people who have already shown symptoms of certain problems (Moritsugu et al, 2015).